When in the present,
This may be why the egoic mind
Attempts to perpetuate somberness,
Because then time feels solid
And like all has stopped
Along with the beat of the heart;
It deceives itself into believing that stagnancy
Is safety and wholeheartedness
But life naturally refrains from stagnation
And flows despite its gentle poise of stillness
The flowers still grow.
I reflect upon my earlier years
And they all feel like yesterdays –
I reflect upon my accomplishments
And as to whether the masses will ever
Read the prolific amount of effort that I
Put forth to develop and ground myself
Into the highest human being possible;
It is okay if they do not,
Though it is a gift for them
As it is for me –
All of my stories, all of my movies,
They crave a life of their own and
Still will beyond me –
How grateful for this life
I am –
How grateful for all of this love
I am –
As the body grows closer to death
Despite its soulless soul being eternal,
The mind occasionally projects fearful fantasies
Of what’s to come or what may come,
Attempting to have control over
What it has no ability to control –
When the depth of the Divine is finally met
Out of the necessity for the Higher Self to
Peacefully and fruitfully live,
A greater peace shall then fill you –
I wish that all experience impromptu laughter
And the shared energy with all living things –
I wish that all experience the tingling cloak
Of love that life has to endlessly
And graciously offer –
In the darkest hours of solitude
The light shines the brightest
Despite what the mind may cry;
Observe the cycles of Nature
And let the pain subside –
Beyond the clouds
Is the sun,
Beyond the night
Is the stars,
Beyond the life
Is life itself.
2023 Michael Angel Loayza Jr.
All reactions:
2Lisa Andreu and Nicole Fox