Welcome to the world of Michael Angel Loayza Jr., a visionary artist dedicated to crafting purposeful entertainment at LowWiseZah Studios. Here, we are passionately creating movies that matter, aiming to awaken both society and ourselves through art.
Our Mission: Through true art, we foster unbiased education and diverse opinions, promoting a peaceful evolution through the lens of rebellious individuality. Our goal is to cultivate a compassionate society that lives in harmony with nature, embracing every joy it offers.
My Journey: I have written, acted, produced, and directed over 100 projects, including 6 feature films. My literary work includes 20 published books spanning poetry, philosophy, narrative fiction, and academic writing.
Professional Growth: I am committed to continuous personal and professional evolution, having developed into a humble yet structured professional. My expertise lies in being an ever-evolving master of my crafts, while also remaining a life enthusiast who champions unchained freedom from ego and its collective corporate influences that have corrupted our society.
Philosophy: I advocate for individuality and nonconformity as the true catalysts for genuine, compassionate societal evolution. My work is not just entertainment; it’s a call to action for personal introspection and societal maturity.
Join us at LowWiseZah Studios where art meets purpose, and together, let’s envision and create a more vibrant and joyous society – for this very moment holds the most euphoric realization of the power of now.
ocating for individuality and nonconformity: the only traits that breed genuine compassionate evolution.
Why I Create
Purpose Beyond Words: I create, write, and entertain to transcend my ego, to reach a state of being that language cannot describe. My aim is to be the best version of myself through presence in the moment, hoping to spread this simple, untainted joy and kindness to others. I expose the ego’s illusion of isolation, sharing my unique yet universally connected experiences, much like snowflakes that all settle on the same unified blanket of snow.
A Message of Unity and Hope: My art serves to remind everyone they are not alone, that all will be well because choice remains with us, regardless of circumstances. I strive to awaken higher consciousness and alleviate unnecessary suffering through my creations. By understanding my own mind’s stories and self-perpetuated suffering due to the identification with the mind’s stream of thoughts, I’ve connected with the shared essence of our home by way of observing rather than believing everything that the mind says – the sky, ocean, trees, and stars, all bring us to that place of clarity that is inarticulate by words. Through egoless productivity, I’ve achieved profound moments of presence, of which I am humbly proud, embracing imperfection as perfection. I wish you the same.
Freedom from Desire: I want and need nothing, recognizing distractions from the bliss of the present. While I have dreams, I’ve detached from the suffering tied to them, living in the moment with a formless faith that fills me with love when needed.
Encouraging Individuality and Self-Love: I create to foster innate individuality and self-love, essential for genuine evolution. In a world where corrupt institutions attempt to warp individual thought, I offer art as a path to peaceful rebellion. Loving all parts of myself, including my ego, allows me to extend untainted love to others. Realizing the presence of the universe has gifted me with a sense of eternal life, understanding that I am not my ego, mind, or body but the observer of these temporary aspects, truly ground me; this resonates and innately spreads with the vibrational frequencies of the universe.
The Power of the Present: The mind and knowledge have limits, but wisdom is boundless. True healing begins when we acknowledge our ignorance, finding joy in the now, where utopia is not a future ideal but the current reality. I create to manifest peace, love, kindness, laughter, and spaciousness, aiming to harmonize with all seemingly lost souls. We must remember that nothing lost is ever found – and that there is nothing to search for because all that you seek lives within you and without you.
The Illusion of Time: For those who find nothing in the present, I ask where do their cherished memories reside if not here? Memories exist in the now, free from the attachment to future or gain. Gratitude, the essence of the present, is born from embracing all without conditions. When actions are driven by expectation or material gain, their divinity is lost. This moment holds all the beauty of our memories, offering a portal to past joys through grateful consciousness, along with the unattached hopes and dreams of the future, in an invisible time-machine that you have the ability to access. When the mind becomes a tool that you productively use with alert awareness, you then become its master rather than its unconscious disaster. I am not my mind but my mind is me.
The Now: The future never arrives; it’s always now. There’s a flaw in our perception of time and ego. Embracing the present frees us forever from a self-imposed ticking prison.