I can’t remember,
It protects my heart,
The day you tore our world apart;
It was all a dream,
All an illusion;
A blissful cancer,
A heavenly contusion.
I believe in me,
Do you?
I’d give you a mirror
But you wouldn’t have a clue;
Settle for less
And you’ll get less –
Give up your dreams
And enjoy your mess.
You chose death,
You throw yourself away
For a superficial play!
It’s too late…
Goodbye –
You’ve smothered that
Sparkle inside my eye.
I never knew you,
A perfect dream;
A toxic nightmare,
Abrupt and foreseen –
Your lips lie
And I continue to die;
I dreamt you up,
A fictitious lie.
I don’t know you,
You’re beyond a mystery,
It seems like yesterday
Was heavenly history –
I’m caught in a riptide
But I think I’ll swim;
I threw my love away
To reach
The surface again.
The ocean erodes the sand
As you let go of my hand,
A piece of me is taken
And the current is mistaken;
A bond was broken
With words unspoken –
I won’t fight the tide
Because I’ll drown,
But that doesn’t mean
It’ll erase my frown.
You smothered me,
Suffocated my flame,
Thanks to you
My heart will
Never be the same.
I fear the sight of you,
My heart,
It skips;
And that is true –
I live blindly because
You killed me;
You took away what thrilled me:
Our love –
The storm comes and goes,
It’s within my soul
I’ll forever know.
It was so easy
For you to say goodbye,
So easy to watch me die;
It’s as if you never existed –
A precious dream
And then a nightmare
I was gifted.
The One
You are the greatest
Of them all,
You caught my heart
And made me fall;
A perfect picture
And shattered glass –
An inanimate delusion,
That doesn’t last.
The cold rain fuels me
As your burning fire
Cools me –
You betrayed our
Sacred pact,
You spoke false words
And took them back;
You’re dead!
I don’t want you –
Let my success
Forever haunt you.
I remember the first time
After we kissed,
The heavenly feeling,
An amorous bliss;
Though your poison destroyed me
And these memories hang me on the
Void tree;
A heavy branch
I can’t seem to break,
Opening my heart to you,
What a mistake –
You left me hanging –
All the leaves of tears,
Dried up memories,
So painful,
The veins of the years –
I think back to the day
That we were one,
And now I write
To the
Invisible none.
My Dream
I met you in my dreams
And how real it felt –
Now I reflect
And my eyes begin to welt;
I still seek reassurance,
So much so I blame myself;
As I walk the halls of familiar faces,
Fearing the steps of familiar places,
I look to the swinging swing –
There’s only one;
It gives off a haunting ring
Buried with so much fun;
You were stubborn
But you saw the truth,
You spit out the poison
And craved your youth –
I was blinded, confused, and without reason,
I’ve been counting on my fingers
The change in the seasons;
Days go by and I continue to cry,
Wishing for you to come back,
To never die –
Just like in reality
You were confused and stubborn,
But in this dream
You were challenged with prior choices
To be yearned –
You ask to be with me
And I see right through you;
I speak to the ghost of a girl I once knew;
How you’ve fooled me
As hopeful thoughts ruled me –
The world would end before we danced as friends –
A calloused nightmare
As I wake up to the girl
That was once here.
I sleep with my words
Because they’re all I have;
These feelings and memories,
The good with the bad –
You’re everything to me,
The key to my soul;
It is within you
That I am whole –
The wanderers only visit
But they can’t seem
To live it.
2019 © Michael Angel Loayza Jr.   Purchase My Poems!
Such beautiful words