I met you in my dreams
And how real this felt;
Now I reflect
And my eyes begin to melt;
I still seek reasoning,
So much so that I even blame myself –
As I walk the halls of familiar faces,
Fearing the steps of familiar places,
I look to the swinging swing
And there’s only one,
The corroded rust,
The blotted sun;
This swing gives off a haunting ring,
Now buried with death from a poisonous sting –
You were stubborn
But you saw the truth,
You spit out the poison
And craved your youth;
I was blinded, confused and left without reason,
I’ve been counting on my fingers
To the change of the seasons;
Days go by and I continue to cry,
Wishing for you to come back
And to never die –
Just like in the present
You were confused and stubborn,
But in this dream you were challenged
With prior choices that weren’t yearned –
You ask to be with me and I see right through you,
I speak to the ghost of the girl I once knew –
How you’ve fooled me! –
As hopeful thoughts ruined me!
The world would end
Before we dance as friends;
A callused nightmare
And I wake up,
To the girl that died,
To the girl that gave up.
© 2020 Michael Angel Loayza Jr.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.