True Poetry

True Poetry is the unspoken words of the soul. The essence of life lingers within these words and even more importantly within the space between them. What I’ve learned, instinctually, through great curiosity, observation, and presence, as well as within the lessons from the greatest spiritual teachers to ever live, is that the strongest form of communication is untainted silence.

            A true warrior knows not war but only peace; a true warrior is in fact peace itself even in the midst of war. But the warrior shall only discover this through his greatest battle and with his toughest opponent; that opponent is his own reflection.   

            As one of the most prolific poets that I am aware of, I claim the sanctity of wholeness within the words from which I speak to you. The growth of my character has shed light upon the necessary angels and devils and their innate desire to be sung to the sea of eternal life within the cadence of this text and all of my creations.  

            All of the voices and chatter that reside in the limited confines of my mind have continually become transmuted into a silent smile that has the magnetic pull to turn heads again and again. The beauty of presence is that it never gives up, it is always there and always alive, because it’s the umbilical cord to the womb of life – it is eternal and forever nourishing.

The power that I’ve attained has become so conducive that it has the temporary ability to part any black cloud of doom that lingers over the sebaceous souls of melancholy and gifts a temporal sunshine of euphoric electricity to those that unknowingly travel this lifeless path of the mind’s imprisonment.

I have cultivated this great power by loving myself well into death and becoming free of who I am and who I thought I was.  

By seeing myself in the eyes of everyone else, my connection to the oneness of life and its mysterious divinity became my true home; even when discomfort occurs and the mind echoes old fears and regurgitations, the peace is so great that nothing can dismantle it – for there is nothing to deconstruct – and the sky consistently reminds me of this.

The pervading peace that lies beneath your shadow shall be the window into your soulless soul: my home – our home – God’s home.

            I truly love all of you – even when my mind speaks otherwise. This is the power of the untainted silence that I speak of.  

            In order to truly love, we must first die.

I have died several times in order to love myself again and again; in doing so I have discovered the greatest strength known to humankind. I have discovered the space within me that simply cannot be filled with futile energy; worries and stories that are downright laughable. The sooner you begin laughing at the chatter of your mind, the sooner that you will find the place of freedom that takes no seeking.

The sooner that you can use the power of the mind as a tool rather than it use you as a tool, the sooner that you can have the most intimate of conversations with God.

True Poetry.   

A great part of life is suffering but I speak to you to alleviate the unnecessary sufferings of the mind that deceivingly claim to be a part of life; the narrative of the mind is a separate entity and is not to be mistaken with what life is and the very gem of who you are.

Just as a diamond requires great pressure to form, so does the character of the individual. Glimmering beauty is birthed from discomfort, from pressure, from nonresistance, from pure acceptance, all in according to the lawless laws of Nature. Within this clarity, the greatest of Life’s sufferings shall hold the most vibrant euphoria to eternal aliveness even while knocking on Death’s door.

Though I am no master and I am a forever student, I wish that the wisdom that I share to you resonates with the truest part of you. 

I have suffered enough and I know that it is not in accordance to Nature because Nature does not resist and the conditioned mind does; the conditioned mind produces rigidity, tension within the body, trapped energy, neurosis, illness and more – Nature allows everything within its path to innately flow like a gentle yet pervasive stream. There is no inorganic intervention and this is why it is forever sustaining and the beauty that we recognize within her is merely our own; a glimmering reflection to the invisible place to which the mind cannot seek or see.

We are truly one with the gentleness of Nature. Every glance that I take, I am forever nourished by the breast of Nature’s vibrant and bountiful beauty.

At this moment the conditioned mind is not a necessary part of Nature itself, but it is a part of the biological evolution for the human species; how the two shall meet and coincide down the line, I am not sure. But I suspect that as Nature instinctually fights back against the unconscious threat of human pollution and the collective ego’s tendency to greed, war, and manipulation, in order to come together, a threat against the atmosphere of earth’s skin will naturally order humanity to work synergistically with Nature as it once did, before industrialized agriculture and advancements in technology, humanity will then use all of their intellectual knowledge and wisdom of Nature to sustain their shared existence as a whole – some will label this as a form of “divine intervention” but in reality God has given up his place upon the throne a long time ago and the One has manifested itself again and again in all different shapes and sizes, some tarnished, some lost, some evil, some sinners, some saints, and in every single one of these broad range of characters is the reflection of the eternal Divine.

As I sit here, observing the beauty of Nature, the still tree that dances in the wind in front of me comes to life through the portal of my eyes; the tree grows legs and begins to dance. As I bring her to life and admire her beauty, she kisses me on the neck and humbly thanks me for admiring her with no intention whatsoever, no conceptualization, no mind…

True Poetry is True Love – both seek nothing.

If you have not yet looked at the sky today,

Please do so;

Once during the day and

Once during the night –

            Within this simplicity

            Holds great might.

7/1/24 – Michael Angel Loayza Jr.

Beyond The Pain Body (Sohum)

It all feels like a dream

And in my head, it screams –

All was too picture perfect

To remain so unclean –

My jaw again burns as I learn

That I’m not the being that has risen above egoic thought;

I observe the old patterns that once could too be bought –

It’s been hard to wake up and get out of bed

Because I’m tired of the voices speaking within my head –

Defeated in the world that was created by man but

Paradoxically filled with Life,

With its essence in the palm of my hands

And too a jagged knife –

Energy manifests as trapped tension within the body

As the past of the past again attempts to haunt me –

I feel insecure and that there is no cure,

Living in a painful delusion of the mind’s mass confusion,

But there is a way when we stop and play,

Beyond the mind’s utterance and abusing –

Feel how you feel,

Let it be real,

But be aware that you are not as such –

You are the observer of the feeling and

Not the feeling as a whole,

You are the seer of all seers and

Thus, the forever remaining soul –

Though within me there is the truest of true

That believes that this burden

Is surely worth losing,

The mind attempts to fight hard with its

Whisperings of bruising –  

I wake up dead each morning because I have yet to truly die,

I have this blissful awareness and, in this truth,

I again tend to cry –

I feel defeated by life because I attempt to fight its flow;

Within this observation I begin to endlessly grow –

Why do I mourn upon morning

When there is no reason to mourn?

Why does it take me all day to heal

And then venture to sleep

Where the pain’s revealed?

Why waste time and be a prisoner to its illusion?

Why waste life and be befuddled with confusion?

I’s ego must die

In order for the Angel to live –

You shall find this in the breath and

As you continue to give –  

This forever child within me,

Filled with unknown pain,

Filled with rage against the machine of society,

Filled with the pain for all of those who have suffered,

Filled with imaginary shame and sadness,

I assure you that this life will not be vain;

This way of not being is surely madness

And beyond insane!

My cheeks quiver as they hold back tears and fears,

Attempting to control the uncontrollable –

“Feel and you will heal,”

The higher I speaks –

The I that which I am.

Here I am,  

Sitting with the wounds of Christ and the smile of Buddha,

I seek solace in the flowers

And the flowers whisper,

“Seek nothing and you shall find.”

I seek solace in the sky

And the sky molts from cotton-white clouds and rays of sun

To black and then begins to cry with me –

Seek and you shall find –

Seek nothing and you shall grow –

This is endless wisdom –

This is the way to know –

Those words, “It’s okay.”

The power of words that melt the heart,

That part the skies and transmutes the dark –

The release to the purification of the soulless soul –

The movement to again becoming forever whole –

My gift to you and myself are these deeply felt words,

My gift to you and the world shall

Endlessly sing with the birds –

Dying while still living is the only natural way to be;

You can observe it in the clouds;

You can observe it in the sea;

You can discover it in the ‘I’ that goes beyond the me –

Allow yourself to be and you will be forever free –

Beyond right and wrong

There is the most beautiful of songs –     

Listen and observe the energy in the body;

It is an unbelievable instrument of God

And the memories that

No longer haunt me.

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